Conditions and Access Manual for Availability
Our agency provides real-time availability for Llaqta (Machu Picchu) and Inca Trail services for 2-day and 4-day options. Below is the usage manual for availability access.
See the rates
Access Conditions
- Calendars are provided in HTML format in 10 languages and have no usage limit.
- The APIs are provided with values in JSON format.
- Online access is unlimited.
- The fee corresponds to a non-divisible one-year (01) subscription, excluding IGV (sales tax). We issue receipts or invoices.
- Use is exclusive to a single person or company, and access or data may not be shared. If this rule is violated, the subscription will be immediately canceled without any possibility of compensation or refund.
- API calls are limited to a maximum of one (01) call every 15 minutes.
- If a subscription cancellation is requested before the one-year (01) term expires, no refund will be issued.
- Subscription renewal is not automatic; renewal must be requested and payment completed at the end of the subscription period.
- The availability provided is generated using external sources outside our control, so we cannot be responsible for its quality or accuracy. Data and results provided may contain errors or variations that we cannot anticipate or control.
- We cannot commit to the service's permanence, which may stop functioning at any time without notice, without the subscriber being able to claim any compensation or refund.
We insist that the subscription and access are for the exclusive use of a single agency (same tax ID). In no case may the access code or link be shared or sold to another agency or users. An access tracking system has been implemented, and any violation of this rule will result in the immediate cancellation of the subscription without notice, with no right to any refund or compensation.
Accessing Availability (common for all services and formats)
Access to availability is provided through a link on our page. The format is as follows:
- DOMAIN. Any of our domains. We recommend using for Inca Trail availability and for Machu Picchu ticket availability.
- USER. User code to authorize access. This parameter will be provided by our company when creating the account.
- This code is strictly confidential.
- It is not transferable to another agency, whether for free or for a fee.
- It may not be shared, sold, disclosed, or displayed to third parties in any way, nor in HTML source codes visible to users.
- We reserve the right to block access if these conditions are violated.
- SERVICE. Service to be accessed. It should be one of these three (03) values: machu (tickets to Machu Picchu), camino2 (2-day Inca Trail), or camino4 (4-day Inca Trail). Example: &service=camino4
- FORMAT. Format of the returned availability, corresponding to the subscription. It should be one of these 3 values: cal (for displaying an HTML calendar), json (text values in JSON format), or online (online query with exclusive access). Example: &format=cal
- LANGUAGE. User's language for date formatting and day/month names. It should be one of these 10 values: de (German), en (English), es (Spanish), fr (French), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), ko (Korean), pt (Portuguese), ru (Russian), or zh (Chinese). Example: &lg=en
Access to the Machu Picchu Availability Calendar
Access to the calendar is formatted as follows:
Access to the Inca Trail Availability Calendar
Access to the calendar is formatted as follows:
- SERVICE. Service to be displayed. It should be one of these two (02) values: camino2 (2-day Inca Trail) or camino4 (4-day Inca Trail). Example: &service=camino4
- MONTH and YEAR. The respective month and year you wish to query. Example: &month=10&year=2024
- Example link:
- Example result (with fictitious availability):
API Access (JSON Format)
API access is formatted as follows:
- SERVICE. Service to be returned. It should be one of these values: machu (tickets to Machu Picchu) or camino (2-day and 4-day Inca Trail) or camino2 or camino4. Example: &service=camino
- DAY, MONTH and YEAR. The respective day, month and year you wish to query. Exemple : &day=10&month=10&year=2024
- If the parameter DAY in not given, returns the whole month.
- If the parameter MONTH in not given, reurns the whole year.
- If the parameters DAY, MONTH, YEAR are given, or if the parameter DATE is given, returns only the day.