Machu Picchu-Ticket
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July/2017 visit
Thomas W.
15. Sept. 2016 00:05

Hi, I wanted to purchase the tickets to Machu piccu for next July. But on line purchase shows only til December this year. How can I purchase the tickets? We are 4 of us- 2 adults and 2 students. Thank you so much. Yasuyo

Re: July/2017 visit
Messages: 825
18. Sept. 2016 06:14


Thank you for your email and your interest in our services. Tickets for 2017 are not available yet for anyone, that is why they don't appear on the availability calendar and you cannot purchase them. By the end of December is usually when the government opens purchases for the next year.

You can subscribe to receive the availability when purchases for 2017 are open: .

Best regards,

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