Machu Picchu-Ticket
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Tours from US
Gene T.
16. Juni 2008 12:09

Do any of your affordable Machu-Pichu tour packages offer discounted airfare from Washington DC or Baltimore?

Thank you, Gene

Re: Tours from US
Messages: 825
16. Juni 2008 12:53

Dear Gene,

First, I would like to thank you for your interest in our services.

As any local Agency, we don't offer any service including the international flight for a simple reason: buying in an Agency out of USA you will pay 2 times national taxes. My recommendation is to buy your international flight in USA and one of our tours directly from you pages.

Our website about the Machu Picchu Tour is:

Our website about the Inca Trail is:

Our website about the Salcantay Trek is:

Best regards,

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