Machu Picchu-Ticket
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Informationszentrum » Allgemeines » Zahlungen
Letztes Update: 23. August 2021

Zahlungen, Transaktionen und Erstattungen

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How are payments made?

When booking or purchasing payments are made online directly from our pages. Depending on the chosen service, we ask to pay online the full amount or a deposit and the rest in person. For example, for Machu Picchu tickets, payment is made online, for the full price. For our treks, we ask you to pay online a fixed deposit; then, the balance is paid directly at our agency in Cusco, by other means. Regardless of the service or payment method, the amount includes taxes and fees. The amount requested is therefore the one displayed on our price pages.

What is an online transaction?

Online transactions allow you to pay a defined amount from our pages by paying with your credit card. Our payment system is made through a payment gateway. Both, the control of banking information and the debit are made in real time. When you pay online, our system checks immediately of entered data is correct, if the issuer and your bank accept the charge. The debit order is also made immediately.

If the issuer rejects the transaction (incorrect data, invalid or inactive card, ...), it is rejected immediately. The same applies to your bank, which can immediately refuse the transaction if there is a problem (not sufficient funds, limits exceeded, account not authorized, government restrictions, ...).

We totally ignore what happens between the issuer/your bank and your bank account. For instance, in which currency is your account, the exchange rate your bank will apply, your local currency, if your bank applies an extra tax to the charge, how the charge will be done (in several installments, delayed debit, with interests, ...). Our payment system is simple: if the total amount to be paid is 100 American dollars, for example, our gateway requests the authorization to your bank to charge you US$ 100.00. Everything else depends on the issuer, your government, your bank and your bank account.

Currently we accept the following credit cards:

Security and payment guarantees

The best guarantee that the consumer has to buy with confidence on a website is simple: for a merchant to be able to offer online payments through his own website, he needs the authorisations and validations from the issuer. The process is complicated because the merchant must justify transactions, amounts received and the security it offers to its customers. For example, the merchant must have an absolutely infallible security certificate (read zero flaws) for its servers (PCI Compliant). Our agency has this authorization and to our knowledge no other tourism agency in Peru has it! This means for the consumer that their online payment is approved by the issuer from an authorized and verified site. Our forms and all our pages are therefore secure and accredited to receive information as sensitive as a credit card numbers. This is your best guarantee!


If for any reason our agency has to make a refund on your behalf, conditions are very strict and simple. Issuers formally prohibit:

When our agency makes a refund, we make a transaction from our payment gateway. This gateway then places a transaction order with the issuing bank. From this point on, we have no way of knowing what is happening, such as the exchange rate applied, the time frame or any fees, as these depend on the issuing bank. Although the account is usually credited within a few days, the banks warn us that the transaction can take up to 30 days. We insist that we cannot manage this factor. Please do not ask or remind us when this delay seems long.

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